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Submission Policy

If the issue is about an immediate threat or ongoing crime, contact the police immediately on 999. Escapeline is not an emergency response service.

All submissions to the Escapeline website are manually read and categorised by a team of volunteers. Only submissions that refer to personal, first hand experiences of County Lines are posted.

We want to share with you that some submissions that are emotional outpourings, spoilt submissions are posted. Personal Correspondence to Escapeline are not posted.
Only first names will be used on a posting, and names of those, other than the poster, will be anonymised.

Counties, services (Police, Children’s Services, etc) may be included on larger group data, such as the Counties List.

This approach ensures that our commitment to highlighting the scale of the County Lines problem is highlighted.

After a post has been made, you may request it to be removed from the website by contacting Escapeline direct, stating the time and date of the submission was made along with some key factual identifiers.

The data collected from the submissions is subject to our GDPR policy.

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